Do you like being creative, wish you could be more creative, or would like some tips about how to start and keep up a creative practice of your own? 


Then sign up below to receive your free 100 Hearts Video Tutorial for some creative inspiration and fun!  

We value your privacy and would never spam you. By entering your name and email above, you are consenting  to receiving Karen Abend’s free 100 Hearts Video Workshop and subscribing to her bi-monthly newsletter with updates from her studio, news from the Sketchbook Revival community, and tips to help you keep going with your own creative practice. 



What’s included in the 100 Hearts Video Tutorial

 In the tutorial you’ll get a tour of the original sketchbooks that inspired the artwork for the book, 100 Hearts for Joy & Inspiration. Karen will also guide you through her process so that you can work alongside her and create a heart of your very own.


A FAQ page is also available that outlines the process and answers common questions about how to get started with your own heart project. 



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