Things with Wings: Sketching Birds in Ink

with artist and teacher, Val Webb

Suggested materials: sketchbook (mixed media or watercolor paper), kneaded eraser, graphite pencil (Val prefers 2B/4B), small jar of waterproof black ink (Val uses Higgins Black Magic), small inexpensive watercolor brush (Val uses a #1 round), fine liner black ink pen (Val uses Micron .03/.05), small painter’s brush (Val uses 1in), small empty container or lid for the ink. Session worksheets and reference photos can be accessed here

Val Webb

A former newspaper journalist who found her way into the art studio, Val spent 25 years carving birds, insects and botanicals to create bas-relief clay tiles. These days, she travels the nation’s back roads in a vintage camper to sketch nature (and teach other people to sketch, too). She loves combining colored pencil and gouache to capture small details – the flash of a bird’s eye, the pattern on a butterfly’s wing – but she’s always experimenting with new techniques and materials, as well.
Val’s website is

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